Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The Road

This movie isn't something you want to see if you're looking for a light hearted comedy or an action packed adventure movie. But, it should be something you see.

I tried to read the book and had a hard time getting through the first few chapters so I cannot say how accurate the movie is, but I will tell you that this movie is dense, thick, hard hitting... etc.

What happens when the apocalypse comes and your significant other doesn't want to live? do you stay with your child while your other half gives up? Well that's what Viggo Mortensen did. He fought for not only his life but his son's life. They scavenged for food and saw a lot of dead people. Although there were a few times I jumped, I wouldn't classify this movie as a thriller.
There are some very touching father/son moments, but definitely not the kind that make you feel all warm and fuzzy, more the kind that makes you want to reach out to your father and tell him you'd steal food for him too.

Although I really liked this movie, I don't think this is something I would need to see again.



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