Sunday, November 15, 2009

New York, I Love You

I knew nothing about this movie before seeing the movie poster at the theatre, I chose to see it with two girl friends because of the BIG cast.

I would compare this movie to Love Actually in the way that there are multiple story lines (11 I believe) in which they all intertwine.. Some are humorous, one I found to be creepy, one I found to be confusing and some of the others were more dramatic, but don't worry, all of them were romantic!

I found this movie to be so interesting, the 11, 10 minute stories were all written, produced and directed by different people. It's said that the various filmmakers were asked to adhere to three guidelines: They had only 24 hours to shoot, a week to edit and needed to give the sense of a particular neighborhood.

Highly Recommended.


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